Sunday, December 9, 2012

Wine Labels

What attracts people to a wine? Is it the brand? Is it the type? Word of mouth? Or is it the label?

I would bet dollars to pesos for most it is the label.
Of the almost 3000 codes at my store, I would say more than 3/4 are wines. Many of them with interesting labels and equally interesting names. Every so often companies change their labels to refresh themselves in the eyes of the purchaser. Some have bright, attractive labels to draw your eye to them and pique your curiosity. Some have elegantly designed labels to convey a message of a "refined", more "mature" beverage. Some have cute pictures to conjure up ideas of a fun, tasty glass of wine.

I suppose you could buy a wine by its label for just about whatever mood you may be in. If you are feeling snobby you could get a more stodgy looking bottle for the night. If you are in the mood for a fun night, a bottle that makes you think "fun" when you look at it will be on the agenda. I suppose if you were entertaining, who your guests are and the reason they are coming by would dictate what "style" of wine and label you would choose. I'm sure for a dinner with the boss you aren't going to buy a bottle with picture of a pair of flip flops on it. If the girls are coming over for an afternoon chick flick, that bottle would serve just fine.

There are a few that I am interested in trying just because the label caught my eye, or the name of the wine "sounded" fun. Of course there are the word of mouth ones as well. Lots of different categories and thousands of different wines to try. Maybe I will do that. Create categories like "fun" or "reserved" and try different wines that give those impressions from their labels.

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